Workshops 2024

From the Lyme Academy

Thomas Lapine

The Portrait in Graphite

5, 6, 7 July

3 days 290€ 10-18h

In this 3 day intensive workshop, students will be walked through a step by step process in how to develop and finish a portrait drawing. Day one will focus on setting up the drawing in a simple abstract design called the block-in. Day two will focus on clarifying and structuring the drawing primarily in a linear manner otherwise known as a structured drawing. On the final day participants will push their drawings further with a broader range of values and explore how to develop the form and light effects in a final pass. In the morning Thomas will work on a demonstration clarifying the process taking the drawing to a state of finish. In the afternoon participants will work with the model and be critiqued individually

Thomas LaPine uses drawing and painting to actively participate and engage with the world. As a student of academic principles, he strives to expand these traditions in a way that celebrates both historical and modern viewpoints. Focusing on direct representation and specializing in the human figure, Thomas seeks a balance between the visual impression reflected in 19th-century academic drawings and the tactile experience inspired by the Dutch masters. Through extensive study and travel around the world, he has acquired an astute perspective on the fine arts and its relevance to contemporary culture. Thomas currently lives in Connecticut, where he studies and works at the Lyme Academy of Fine Arts.


Portrait Club


Plein Air Painting Club